On Sun, 26 Jun 2022 15:33:16 +0200, Sebastian
Post by Sebastian<...>
Post by AnonkittyPost by uni_ruleEven telnet is easier to set up, which leads to a really odd state of
affairs where BBS's are more popular than newsgroups in the current year.
That reminds me: I'm still somewhat new to Usenet but I'd wager that it's
normal nowadays for 90% of groups to be either ghost towns or overrun with
nutty conspiracy spam, right? Don't get me wrong I like groups like this
one where there's moderate activity but even here, there doesn't seem to be
much point to this place beyond just "we're on Usenet uwu".
There are some exceptions to that 90% spam or ghosttown phenomenon, e.g.
comp.misc, comp.infosystems.gemini, comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix
and this newsgroup, alt.fan.furry.
But most newsgroups are full of spam or haven't seen activity since
years, that's true, sadly.
In another NG someone mentioned that nowadays most people seem to only
use the Usenet for downloading latest series, films and games
anonymously for free, which in my eyes is rather pathetic.
There was a furry NNTP-network once with a fur. hierarchy, by the way.
What I also think is that those who posted here from Google Groups
thought they'll get a notification from Google that there has been a new
post or response in the newsgroup, which Google never implemented, so
those people might think that nobody responded to them and then assumed
that this newsgroup is totally dead.
Even the "easy" ways of getting here are still absolutely burried. I
only found out about ES out of coincidence, otherwise I would've
thought you could only get here by paying for a usenet server meant
primarily for binaries. I only found out that Thunderbird was a NNTP
client because of a post /already on usenet/. In the current state of
things no layman will ever get here by accident, and no one really has
any interest in changing that. Not even Google themselves. With
Google's prehensity to kill services I'm surprised groups even still
exists. Not that it's very expensive to run, but just because it makes
them no money.
Sent via Agent on an old thinkpad I dug out an ewaste bin