Post by t***@googlemail.comPost by t***@googlemail.comOk, so a few years ago the talented Jumpy posted a song to
Furaffinity named ‘Winged Angels’ which was based on a fanfic he
read in a fanzine even further ago. The song was rather haunting
and drove me to look for that story but unfortunately Jumpy couldn’t
remember the name of the fanzine at first and my Google-foo failed
me epicaly as well.
Recently Jumpy did remember the details though. The name of the
fanfic is “Learning to Fly” by James Charles Lynn and was a 4 part
series published starting in Yarf #26. Unfortunately I still can’t
find the text online so my last hope is to find someone who has the
issues in question and would be willing to transcribe or scan it.
Thanks a lot in advance n.n
While I can’t help with the issue at hand (I’ve discovered the
fandom c. 2002 – quite some time after the fanzine was published),
I somehow also entirely missed the fact that the above mentions
a musician that I didn’t know of previously.
Which means, research time! Hence, I got to his “gallery” page
(well, one of them) at FA [1], gathered all the view/ links
(AIUI, FA provides no public API to use for this task; unlike,
say, Inkbunny), downloaded the respective pages, and then
downloaded all the // resources referenced
there. (See at the bottom of the article for the code.)
And I guess I like them.
While “Winged Angels” is indeed a deeply moving piece, I think
the songs I liked the best are “No Tomorrow” (though I can’t
really tell if I’ve liked the song as a whole, or just the story
it relates; the song somehow reminds me of those of Dio, BTW)
and “For a Cat”. Also, “The Taskmaster” (an instrumental) seems
underappreciated, given its 39.5 views per like ratio – it
doesn’t actually sound any worse to me than the songs.
There’s also well-performed “Unser Weg” (in German), but I can’t
say much about it as a whole without reading the lyrics (which
sadly aren’t there.)
On the other hand, some of the works feature synthesized
strings, which I do not feel as adding any value. (I do
understand that employing a real human string ensemble for these
productions was pretty much out of question, but I suppose
there’re /are/ alternatives to “real” strings; and synthesized
ones are /not/ – in my book. Or perhaps it’s just the
decade-odd-old samples.)
For completeness, here’s the table of the resources I’ve
downloaded. (Non-music is marked with a leading colon; the
instrumentals are marked with a ‘/’. The last column is the
‘views per favorite’ ratio – the less is the better; the table
is in ascending order by this column.)
Title Posted Views Fav V/F
For a Cat 3454336 Feb 21st, 2010 01:05 PM 124 12 10.3
Dance of the Lost Souls / 1927157 Jan 25th, 2009 06:44 PM 69 6 11.5
Darkness / 1902719 Jan 18th, 2009 08:35 AM 86 7 12.2
: Leopards at Dusk by Tabalon 3184321 Dec 25th, 2009 10:37 AM 102 8 12.7
Winged Angels 1895964 Jan 16th, 2009 09:37 AM 122 9 13.5
(How Come I Can’t Find You)
Happy Hour / 1937239 Jan 28th, 2009 04:40 PM 84 6 14
Tree Rat 1937417 Jan 28th, 2009 05:39 PM 86 6 14.3
No Tomorrow 10505581 May 2nd, 2013 05:42 PM 190 12 15.8
The Hunt / 1926972 Jan 25th, 2009 05:57 PM 78 5 15.6
Not Quite Silence 3184340 Dec 25th, 2009 10:49 AM 98 6 16.3
The Storyteller’s Lament 12206026 Dec 2nd, 2013 06:03 PM 163 9 18.1
Toys in the Attic / 5832421 May 29th, 2011 10:33 AM 155 8 19.3
Unser Weg 3454110 Feb 21st, 2010 11:46 AM 95 5 19
Degraded / 1900688 Jan 17th, 2009 07:01 PM 60 3 20
Flight of the Phoenix (+ Choir) 3454075 Feb 21st, 2010 11:34 AM 110 5 22
Flight of the Phoenix 3196229 Dec 28th, 2009 05:32 PM 100 4 25
Immortal / 1899868 Jan 17th, 2009 02:26 PM 82 3 27.3
It Should Have Been Better 1895976 Jan 16th, 2009 09:45 AM 71 2 35.5
The Taskmaster / 1926073 Jan 25th, 2009 01:00 PM 79 2 39.5
: Kelral concept (side view) 9042285 Oct 15th, 2012 07:25 AM 104 2 52
: Tränen im Fell 23157624 Apr 9th, 2017 11:33 AM 58 1 58
The downloading code was along the lines of the following.
bash $ zcat < \
| perl -e 'use common::sense; my @v;
while (<>) {
push (@v, m { \B /view/ (\d+) / \B }xg);
print (join (",", sort { $b <=> $a; } (@v)), "\n");'
bash $ wget -b --trust-server-names --restrict-file-names=ascii \
--wait=3 --random-wait --header=Accept-Encoding:\ gzip -- \{23157624,23157624,12206026,12206026,\
Continuing in background, pid 4697.
Output will be written to ‘wget-log.26’.
bash $ wget -b --trust-server-names --restrict-file-names=ascii \
--wait=3 --random-wait --header=Accept-Encoding:\ gzip \
--input=<(zcat --*/index.html.gz \
| perl -e 'use common::sense; my %x;
while (<>) {
@x{m { \B //d\.facdn\.net/ [^"]+ }xg} = ();
my @uris = map {
"http:" . $_;
} (grep { ! -e ($_); } (keys (%x)));
print (join ("\n", @uris), "\n");')
FSF associate member #7257